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                  Hello, welcome to visit Shandong Linyi Kuntai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd official website!
                  13583992199 13562968979
                  Shandong Linyi Kuntai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
                  HOT KEY WORDS:used ball mill,used crusher,NE elevator,old ball mill
                  Your location: Home > Vibrating screen

                  Product Name:Vibrating screen

                  Vibrating screen
                  • Vibrating screen
                  Product Description
                  Vibrating screen 
                  Vibrating screen is to use the vibrator excitation generated by the reciprocating screw type vibration and work. Stator rotating hammer on that plane whirl vibration sieve surface, while the rotating hammer make cone rotary vibration sieve surface, the effect of the combined complex type rotary vibration sieve surface. The track vibration is a complex space curve. In the horizontal projection for a round of the curve, and in the vertical plane of projection is an oval. Adjust the upper and lower rotating hammer exciting force, can change the amplitude. And adjust the space phase Angle of upper and lower weight, you can change the course of screen surface movement curve shape and change the direction of movement of screen surface materials. 

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